It’s been a pretty substantial couple of years for Xbox Live Arcade and that’s really starting to show in terms of sales. Capcom have just revealed that Dead Rising 2: Case Zero has sold over 600,000, perhaps not that surprising considering the surprisingly cheap price it was released at. The full game has shipped over 2 million copies so Case Zero’s numbers certainly are impressive for a downloadable game. If you are one of those 600,000+ who bought Case Zero and you’re looking for some help check out John’s excellent drink mixing and combo weapon guides. You might also be interested in this article on the game from Jen Krawler.

No numbers for this one but ‘Splosion Man’s sales were recently bolstered by Microsoft’s one day Black Friday sale. It quickly shot to the top of the Top Xbox Live Arcade bestseller chart, no doubt the recent announcement of it’s sequel Ms ‘Splosion Man will give the game yet another sales boost.

Source – Joystiq (Splosion Man) (Dead Rising)