We know it’s what you’ve all been waiting for–the ability to start up a talk show with your avatars. Okay, so we secretly admit it’s kinda cool too. That day arrived on Monday with the release of Avatar Kinect. It’s actually a pretty slick little app. The Kinect sensor can now not only track your hand movements, but also your facial movements, translating your angry, red-faced look into something a bit more comical. The tracking seems to be decent too. Joystiq‘s Richard Mitchell and Chris Grant took it for a spin and recorded their tests. The results are a bit mixed, but overall it looks like it could become a viable platform for fun video blogs. Heck, there might even be the possibility of doing a XBLAFancast special XBLAFansVideoCast just to have the experience of doing it. Avatar Kinect can be downloaded for free and videos can be uploaded to KinectShare.com to share with the world. We’ve seen a few YouTube exports, but we don’t have any word as to whether or not that can be done via KinectShare.