
Posts By Paul Acevedo

Latest Posts | By Paul Acevedo
Zombie Driver HD in-depth interview
12 years ago

Zombie Driver HD in-depth interview


XBLA Fans recently had the opportunity to chat with Pawel Lekki, COO at Exor Studios. Exor’s Zombie Driver HD released on XBLA this past October, and Lekki was more than willing to talk about the title as well as his background in game development.

Pawel, please tell us a few things about yourself outside of the world of gaming.

I think there isn’t much outside the world of gaming because I spend most of my day at work to be honest. But if I’m not working I enjoy travelling by car around Europe. Moving around in your own vehicle gives a lot of freedom, and I annually make road trips with a few friends. Our record braking trip so far was visiting 11 countries in 7 days with a total of 5000km on the road.

How did you get into game development?

The first gaming-related thing I did [actually involved] classic role playing games. I was a game master for 5 years, and together with our team we created our own version of one of the popular RPG systems. I guess you could say we started modding with pen and paper.

When it comes to traditional computer game development, I started by making levels for various games with my brother. The first game for which we made our own maps was Age of Empires, then StarCraft, and later we moved on to first person shooters like Unreal Tournament, Quake 3 and Half-Life. The first Make Something Unreal contest actually played an important role in our journey because it made us go public and share our works on the internet. After that we started working on mods for Half-Life and informally started Exor as a modding group. Our first public mod was ‘D.I.P.R.I.P.’ for Half-Life 2 and because of our work on it we were all hired by a Finnish mobile game development company called Gamelion. That was the beginning of my professional game development career which started 7 years ago.

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2XL Games’ Robb Rinard discusses Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad DLC and more
13 years ago

2XL Games’ Robb Rinard discusses Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad DLC and more

A few days ago, we reported that racing legend Jeremy McGrath would be donating his share of the profits from Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad towards a bone marrow registry program. Very inspirational news, but is there anything to report about the game itself? As it turns out, yes.

New addition to the XBLA Fans team, Paul Acevedo (@segacon), recently interviewed Robb Rinard, Creative Director at 2XL Games, and learned all kinds of interesting things about 2XL’s racing games, including Offroad. In fact, Robb even teases the game’s first DLC pack. Read on to learn what’s in store for Jeremy McGrath’s latest racer.