Xbox Live accounts hacked for FIFA items
There has been some recent hacking of Xbox Live accounts, and said hackers are following a rather odd pattern. You’ll know your account has been hacked if there has been purchases made to your account’s credit card or existing Microsoft Points, as well as FIFA Soccer 11 or 12 in your recently played history. If you’ve been getting confirmation e-mails for things you haven’t bought, you may want to check. As accounts like these have been coming more and more common, Microsoft has locked down the affected accounts for 25 days while they investigate. Microsoft has released this statement, which is surprising due to the scale of the situation:
“We do not have any evidence the Xbox LIVE service has been compromised. We take the security of our service seriously and work on an ongoing basis to improve it against evolving threats. However, a limited number of members have contacted us regarding unauthorized access to their accounts by outside individuals. We are working with our impacted members directly to resolve any unauthorized changes to their accounts. As always, we highly recommend our members follow the Xbox LIVE Account Security guidance provided at to protect your account.”
If your account has been compromised, be sure to contact Microsoft as soon as possible. We’ll keep you updated as we get more information about the hacks.
Source: Opposable Thumbs