XBLA Fans release e-book for Amazon Kindle
Guess what? XBLA Fans wrote a book! The new e-book for Amazon Kindle was released earlier this week and is comprised of some of our favourite XBLA Fans articles and most informative pieces. In what is designed to be an introductory guide to Xbox Live Arcade, the e-book hopes to answer such questions as: What is XBLA? How to get started with your XBOX 360? Why play retails games on disc? As well as sharing some touching stories of our experiences with the platform that we’ve come to love.
It’s also FREE for one day only! So if you love XBLA and have a Kindle or perhaps you’d just like to download it to your computer, then get over there fast. Look out for more publications from XBLA Fans, we’re working on compiling our guides into a handy portable format for tablet users too. Remember to rate us if you like it!