What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re most looking forward to.

Ross Adams – I played a few hours of Fez earlier in the week, it’s pretty mesmerising. However as soon as Trials hit that took most of my time, it’s as addictive as it ever was. I’m really impressed with the variety in level design and aesthetic, it’s pretty amazing. Also still trying to hit Level 50 on The Old Republic, almost there!

Perry Jackson – After finishing Fez, I jumped into Trials Evolution and was pretty blown away. As great as Trials HD was, Trials Evolution has much better level design and a fresher feeling to it for me. I also played through Bloodforge for review which you can read on Monday.

Todd Schlickbernd – I played a ridiculous amount of Fez for the guide, sure did enjoy that game even if a few bits really had me on mental lockdown. Other than that I’m playing TERA Online with a few friends for the open beta and playing Trials Evo on the XBLA side. Was never a Trials HD fan, but I’m liking this one more. Let me customize stuff and I’ll fall in love with it.

Nathan Bowring – I got Fez early this week, and already have half of the cubes. Having a really hard time trying to figure out some puzzles. Spent most of my time playing Trials Evolution, which is simply amazing. Love the multiplayer supercross!

Nick Santangelo – I played a decent amount of Fez but haven’t reached the end as of the time I’m writing this. I also got some [easyazon-link asin=”B002BSA20M” locale=”us”]Halo Reach[/easyazon-link] multiplayer in, and I think that was it. My preordered copy of[easyazon-link asin=”B007RNWUC4″ locale=”us”]Xenoblade Chronicles[/easyazon-link] finally showed up the other day, but I haven’t had the time to start it yet.

Matt Liparota –  I succumbed to the praise and picked up Fez. I played an insane amount of it this week; I can’t get over how clever and original it is. Definitely one of the best XBLA titles to hit in a while.

Mark Seymour – Trials Evo took up the lion’s share of my gaming time this week, it is indeed rather good. I also found time to wander the wilds of [easyazon-link asin=”B004HYK956″ locale=”us”]Skyrim[/easyazon-link] again. Finally finished the two core quest lines and now impatiently awaiting Bethesda’s announcement of Fallout 4.

It’s been a bumper two weeks for XBLA with the likes of Fez, Skullgirls and Trials Evolution plugging the slight gap in retail releases. The XBLAFans team has been doggedly working away at trouncing each other’s Trials Evo times, but what have you been playing these past 7 days?