Take a peek at the maps of Awesomenauts
If, like many of the XBLAFans staff, you are eagerly anticipating the release of the 2D MOBA game Awesomenauts then you may want to take a good long look at the screens below. Ronimo have just posted these images on their Facebook page of the three maps that will ship with the game in two weeks.
The three maps are Sorana, AI Station 404 and Ribbit IV. Aside from having different layouts and visual styles each map also has a unique element such as AI Station’s anti-gravity field which will allow players to float around the area. AI Station 404 also has “Creep Releasers” on each side of the map, allowing teams to reinforce their attack. Ribbit IV has a “Solarboss” on each side of the map, which is an extra tough neutral enemy for teams to tackle and reap the rewards if they succeed. In the center of the Sorona map there is a giant worm who has taken up residence in a mineshaft, players can call on it by pressing a button on the map, causing trouble for anyone in the vicinity.
You can check out the maps for yourself below and be sure to head over to the Awesomenauts Facebook page for more info. Awesomenauts will be released on May 2 for 800 MSP.