
TopWare Interactive

Skydive: Proximity Flight finally brings recreational falling to XBLA
12 years ago

Skydive: Proximity Flight finally brings recreational falling to XBLA

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Ever wonder what it’s like to plummet toward the earth at speeds that would liquefy you on impact? To hiss through the air, scratching the tops of evergreens and the hard-stone faces of rough mountain crags? For most of us, that desire is tempered by the fact no one wants to be scraped off a rock with a spatula at the end of this face-first joyride. Fortunately, Gajin Entertainment aims to provide a safer, virtual alternative to the expensive equipment and looming threat of death in the event said equipment fails.

Skydive: Proximity Flight, a base jumping title headed to Xbox Live Arcade this fall, will strap you into a wing suit and gently nudge you off a cliff, letting the wondrous clash of air resistance and terminal velocity guide you to a statistically-probable impact amidst the majesty of nature. The Moscow-based developer plans to include a race mode, allowing you to compete against rival jumpers (divers? wingsuiters?) to see who can fall the fastest and perform a suite of complex mid-air tricks.

In addition, players will be able to undertake increasingly difficult routes in a separate mode, following a series of checkpoints to the finish, because when you’re already hurtling toward the ground you might as well try to do it through a gold ring or two. For the less rigid, Skydive: Proximity Flight offers a Freestyle Mode, in which you can choose any location from which to fling yourself, and fall however you like (as long as it’s down), creating your own routes and incorporating tricks. You can then share these runs, and challenge other players in the community to mimic your fall – like a nightmare version of H-O-R-S-E, except when you miss a basket, you die horribly.

All joking aside, Skydive: Proximity Flight is looking pretty cool and will function with both a controller and Kinect. And before you groan at the thought of standing in front of your console, arms outstretched whispering, “Wooossshhhh” while you lean from side to side, the Kinect support is completely optional. You’ll find the official trailer after the jump, it’s definitely worth a watch.

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Planets Under Attack invades XBLA this week
12 years ago

Planets Under Attack invades XBLA this week

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Planets Under Attack, the sci-fi strategy title that challenges players with aggressive expansion, is finally coming to XBLA. Microsoft’s Major Nelson confirmed via Twitter that Planets Under Attack will hit the digital platform this week, and further clarified a launch date of November 14 for 1200 MSP.

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Planets at War now Planets Under Attack
12 years ago

Planets at War now Planets Under Attack

[springboard type=”youtube” id=”quNotFal0bs” player=”xbla001″ width=”640″ height=”400″ ]

Back in April, TopWare Interactive announced Targem Game’s interplanetary strategy game Planets at War. After being quiet for months the game has finally …
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TopWare Interactive announces Pressure
12 years ago

TopWare Interactive announces Pressure

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TopWare Interactive and developer Chasing Carrots have announced a new top-down racing game, Pressure. In the same vein as Micro Machines, TNT Racers, and many others, Pressure seeks to create a unique identity by setting the racing in a steampunk world. An evil guy has taken all the water and so you get in your go-kart and . . . you know what? Let’s just post the official synopsis.

The hero awakes to find the usually cool waters lake where he takes his morning bath completely dry and filled with cruel machines. The sinister Earl has drained the lake to be the site of his new Wellness Spa Temple. Thwarting his sinister plans and returning the valuable water to the citizens of the world is the main objective of the game… as well as destroying his countless, caltrop-laying minions.

No release date or pricing information was released, but we’re guessing it will set gamers back around 800 MSP given the game’s current competition. Short videos showcasing a few of the game’s action sequences, characters and vehicles can be found after the break.

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Strategic space combat comes to XBLA with Planets at War
13 years ago

Strategic space combat comes to XBLA with Planets at War

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TopWare Interactive have just announced Planets at War, a game described as “a strategic interplanetary conflict simulator”, developed by Targem Games. They have not released much information but their press release did state that the game will feature four playable races for players to choose from. Gameplay will include capturing planets and battling “mighty” bosses. That’s about all we know, though Targem did post the image above on their Facebook page too. More info is promised soon, so keep an eye out, you can check out the full press release for yourself below. Read More