
Super Monkey Ball

Wrath of the Dead Rabbit gets DLC, Hell Yeah!
12 years ago

Wrath of the Dead Rabbit gets DLC, Hell Yeah!

If you enjoyed SEGA’s manic Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit, then you’ll be pleased to hear that some DLC is on the way. The first pack, dubbed Pimp …
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XBLA’s Most Wanted: Super Monkey Ball Arcade
13 years ago

XBLA’s Most Wanted: Super Monkey Ball Arcade

So many of us still mourn the delisting of Marble Blast Ultra. It was one of the classic greats of Xbox Live Arcade, and still has no equal in its genre. Those who missed out may never know the joy of the marble genre. There’s something about feeling the weight of the marble in your thumbstick while trying to navigate stupidly hard (read: extremely hard) levels.

The Super Monkey Ball series is a different spin on the same idea. Instead of controlling the marble (in this case a monkey inside a clear ball) players have control of the game world. The left thumbstick tilts the world in a given direction, then gravity does the rest. Super Monkey Ball Deluxe added several fun minigames such as soccer and bowling. Super Monkey Ball Arcade would take all of those ideas and…well, roll with them.

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I’ve lost my marbles
14 years ago

I’ve lost my marbles

By  •  Features

With the recent delisting of an Xbox Live Arcade classic some of us are quietly kicking ourselves for not having picked up Marble Blast Ultra for the basement price of 400MSP when we had the chance. So what can those of us who missed out on the game do now? Fret not, friends. Here you’ll find a highlight-based history of marble games and a few alternatives to take for a roll.

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