
paper mario

What we are playing: January 6
12 years ago

What we are playing: January 6

What we are playing is a weekly column published on Sunday. Select members of the team talk about the games they’ve been playing over the past week and which they’re …
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Zombie Football Carnage Review (XBLIG)
13 years ago

Zombie Football Carnage Review (XBLIG)

Zombie Football Carnage was developed by Milkstone Studios S.L. and released on February 18, 2011 and costs 80 Microsoft Points.  A copy was provided by the developer for review purposes.

The only thing that Zombie Football Carnage has in common with football is a projectile pigskin and cumbersome football gear, so we were surprised to see football in the title.  But does the game live up to the sport that grabs the attention of many Americans, or does it fumble trying to reach the goal line?

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