The Marvel: Vengeance and Virtue expansion pack for Pinball FX 2 was developed by Zen Studios and published by Microsoft Studios in conjunction with Marvel Comics. It was released December 14, 2011 and retails for 800 MSP. A copy was provided for retail purposes.
The Marvel: Vengeance and Virtue pack is the latest addition to the Pinball FX 2 family. This time we are treated to a four pack of Marvel superheroes, some familiar, others less so. Moon Knight is clearly the most obscure character but also manages to be the most intriguing table on offer here. Thor is rather straight forward but alsoinstantly playable and fun. The X-Men table is nice because it actually focuses on the X-men as a team and not just Wolverine. Finally the Ghost Rider table adds a dark theme to the collection and some overall interesting mechanics. It is a solid collection overall, but none of the tables truly stand out as being amazing.
A new hero is added to the vengeance side of Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue, all thanks to tonight’s full moon. Moon Knight, who searches the streets of New York for …
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Master of Magnetism Magneto is on the loose, and the only way Xavier and his team of mutants can stop him is by using metal balls. Marvel Pinball: Vengeance …
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The hotly anticipated Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue package is getting closer every day. We finally have a solid look at the only table that has been officially announced …
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Marvel Comics and Zen Studios announced today during Comic-Con that a new batch of Marvel Pinball tables will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade later this year. The first of these tables will feature Ghost Rider, the spirit of vengeance himself. Marvel and Zen also announced the Marvel Pinball‘s platforms would be extended as well. By the end of 2012 it will be available on iOS, Android, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3, WiiU and PC. For those who just can’t wait for more Zen Studios pinball goodness don’t forget that two single-table versions of Zen Pinball are available on iOS, and Zen Pinball proper is available for the PlayStation 3. Hit the jump to see screenshots from the Ghost Rider table, and tell us who you think they mean by mentioning Virtue in the title.