Starting April 1, Xbox Live Rewards is launching a new program to reward members even more. According to Major Nelson, MyPunchcard will keep track of your online activity and offer exclusive Play to Earn rewards. To kick off the program, the whole month of April will be dedicated to XBLA games.

Playing 20 combined hours of any arcade games online will net you a free avatar item. Buying any four arcade games will get you free Gold Membership for a month, and spending 3200 MSP or more on arcade games gets you a 800 MSP rebate. The offer applies to all the arcade games currently on the marketplace plus all April releases, including Battleblock Theater, Sacred Citadel, Double Dragon II, and Motocross Madness.

The offer is only available to Xbox Live Rewards members, so if you want a shot at these rewards be sure to sign up if you’re not already a member.

Source: Major Nelson