Newsbits: Trial Trials and Gamerscore boosted
- Looks like trials are making a comeback on Xbox One. RedLynx’s Trials Fusion now has a “try it out” option listed on the Xbox One game store. XBLA fans will remember the glory days of mandatory trials for every XBLA game. On Xbox One however this has been left down to each developer leaving the Xbox One demo selection pretty sparse. Here’s hoping this is a sign of things to come.
- Xbox One owners may have noticed that their profile page on now reflects their Xbox One experience. Along with their hi-def Xbox One profile picture, the page now displays game DVR clips, Achievement progress and followers.
- And finally, PlayXBLA have revealed that Crimson Dragon recently added 6 new achievements. Xbox One fans looking to boost their Gamerscore can earn a further 350 GS by unlocking the following:
- Seeker Legend: Achieve player level 50
- Breaking the Bank: Collect over 2,000,000 in credits in your account
- Crimsonscale Erradicator: Kill 10000 enemy creatures
- Open Season: Defeat bosses 10 times with an “S” rank.
- The Finer Things: Loot 50 rare Items
- Enhanced Abilities: Use 100 ampoules