While Hollywood has been busy giving every superhero and their mother a solo film, the developers at Gazillion are doing their darnedest to get all of Marvel’s finest in one place. Marvel Heroes Omega will be coming on Xbox One on June 20 as a free-to-play title. The game mixes RPG gameplay and MMO progression to create a long-lasting adventure. The game centers on a nine mission campaign which take you all across the Marvel universe. There will be 38 playable heroes at launch, each with their own deep progression path and a level cap of 60. Players will be able to unlock more heroes as they play, and switching characters is encourages as leveling up one character benefits them all.
Over on Xbox Wire lead game designer Ben Gilbert has been going over the basics of the game. He’s written about selecting your first hero and the game’s progression systems, which are great reads to get a head start on the game. You’ll be able to create your own Avengers team next month, so hopefully you’ll be able to decide who your first hero should be by then. Personally I think the choice is obvious; Punisher all the way!