Chainsawesome Games is bringing the party game chaos with their new title Knight Squad. This medieval-themed game is a team based free-for-all battle that features nine different modes to duke it out in online.
“Reminiscent of classic party games like Bomberman, Knight Squad drops players into one of several top-down arenas,” according to a Chainsawesome Games press release. “Where they face off to see who will be the last knight standing, capture all of the flags, or score the most goals in an adapted form of full-contact (and full-slaughter) soccer.”
Xbox One owners won’t have to pay a dime to experience Knight Squad for it will be part of November’s games with gold immediately after launch. Players will be able to use “authentic medieval weapons” like rapid fire crossbows and laser guns to pierce through opposing knights.
Knight Squad will be ready to download on November 16 for the Xbox One, Windows, Mac and Linux for $14.99. Check back on XBLA Fans for our review on November 12 at 8:00 AM EST.