
Xbox One developers have begun to request the ability to add their games to an early access service, much akin to the platform that Valve offers over on Steam. Chris Charla, director of the ID@Xbox program, said that it is something that he and his team think about “all of the time.” Early access type services are a fairly new feature for marketplaces in this digital age and there have been conflicting results in relation to them. On one hand they offer fans a way to get their hands on a new game sooner but on the other hand they also flood the marketplace and there is always the chance the developer won’t actually finish the game.

Charla further explained just how much of a dilemma this is for the team, “There’s a lot of heavy deep thinkers, experts, PhDs working on these problems at Xbox every day – not just for the Xbox store, but for Windows Store and Windows Phone. Our goal is to have a rational marketplace, where good games are visible and sell well.”

Source: Joystiq