Dust: An Elysian Tail getting DLC?
One-man development studio Humble Hearts will soon be announcing some news about last August’s Summer of Arcade title, Dust: An Elysian Tail. A Humble Hearts Facebook post states that studio head Dean Dodrill has “some exciting news to share over the coming month. The dust hasn’t settled yet!”
Dodrill has made no mention on Facebook, Twitter or the game’s official website as to what the news will be, leaving gamers and XBLAFans alike to speculate as to what it could be. Our best guess is that Dust is going to be getting some downloadable content, but a sequel or a PSN and/or Steam port are also possibilities at this time, as is just about anything else anyone can imagine.
A port seems unlikely given that Dodrill took the opportunity to also mention that yesterday marked the 6-month anniversary of his game’s release on XBLA and that he wanted “to thank everyone who has followed me and helped make the game a great success.” Certainly those statements don’t entirely rule out a port, but the XBLA callout would seem to imply that the news is XBLA-related.
XBLAFans has emailed Humble Hearts with a request for further details and inquired as to whether or not the news is related to a sequel or DLC. We’ll update this story should the studio issue a response.
Dust: An Elysian Tail released to mostly favorable reviews last summer, including XBLAFans’. Our review asserted that “although the pace sometimes breaks down, the abundance of content is still something to be appreciated in today’s world of increasingly light single-player experiences. Dodrill has flipped the Summer of Arcade, and it came up (Elysian) tails.” We heaped additional praise onto Humble Hearts’ effort by giving it our Best Visuals of 2012 award.
Source: Humble Hearts