Dark Energy Digital, the developer behind Hydrophobia, may be going under, says GamesIndustry.Biz. The site is reporting that studio employees were informed last week that the Manchester, England studio would head into administration at some point in the near future, likely during the next 10 days. Sources within the team are concerned that the firm will be unable to make salary payments that are owed to the staff members.

Owners Pete and Deborah Jones have also gone ahead and registered a new company under the name Dark Energy Publishing. It is believed that a pre-packaged administration deal is in the works, which would open the door for the Joneses to snag remaining Dark Energy Digital assets, such as intellectual properties, once the administration process concludes. This sort of arrangement often means that creditors are left twisting in the wind, which would explain the employee concerns over getting what they are reportedly owed.

Source: GamesIndustry.Biz