An inside look at NFL Blitz
The classic football game NFL Blitz is being re-booted for XBLA for January 2012, and EA Sports has already started an exciting countdown. On the game’s official site, they’re releasing new information every week in a series of “Two-Minute Drill” videos, narrated by Yuri Bialoskursky, one of the game’s designers. They’ve already counted down for four weeks, so here’s a run-down of what’s been released so far:
- Art Director Tony Stanley is hard at work making sure the new game stays true to the look of the originals while moving the graphics towards a newer HD generation. As you can see below, he’s doing his job very well.
- The single-player Blitz Gauntlet mode allows you to customize a team and take them through a multi-tiered gauntlet challenge, which will include boss battles in a power-up covered Blitz Colosseum. Completing a boss battle gives you a cheat code to unlock one of the fantasy characters.
- One of the new online modes is Blitz Battles. Earn ranking points to rank up your position on the local, regional, and national Battle Boards. Your position can be seen next to your gamertag in the form of badges. Do really good, you may just wind up in the Hall of Fame.
The site has all of the videos planned up until the game’s release, ranging from cheats to tips. Next week’s video will include the co-op and team play. Check out the videos on the NFL Blitz official site and be sure to check back every week for a new video.