If a series of tweets from Indie Game Winter Uprising orgraniser Robert Boyd are to be believed Microsoft may be putting their weight behind the iniative sometime soon. While there’s no official confirmation as yet, Boyd’s tweets (which you can read for yourself below) heavily imply that Microsoft are planning to do something to help with the promotion, or at least the games that will be released before the 23rd of Decemeber.

Presumably this help will be in the form of advertising on the dashboard in a more prominent location, possibly the spaces usuall reserved for Deal of the Week sales and the like.

This would certainly be a win for the Indie Game developers, with the Uprising being a response to Microsoft’s lack of advertisement of the service.

Due to several delays the Uprising hasn’t been quite the success it was expected to be, as a result it was extended to the end of the month. You can find out more about the event and the games involved by visiting our Winter Uprising hub, which has now been updated with more reviews.

The tweets in question;

I have some very exciting news for the developers in the Indie Games Winter Uprising. Check your email. :) #IGWU

Let’s just say a certain large company has taken notice of our little operation and has offered official support and leave it at that. :)

Unfortunately, it looks like I’m going to have to sit this one out since our game isn’t out yet, but I’m very excited for the other devs.

Sleep is for the weak. I’ve got until Tuesday to submit Cthulhu Saves the World for peer review otherwise I miss out. Let’s do this!

Let’s just say that any IGWU games that are out by Thursday next week are going to get a big boost in sales after Christmas

Source: Robert Boyd’s twitter